For anyone who came across this page before purchasing the book, below are two sample stories from the book. I hope you enjoy.

Initial Solo

“ I wanted to be on the ground, and NOW. There was another plane behind me in the pattern. His call sign was “MC (Mike Charlie)” XX (something, something), I don’t remember the rest of his call sign.

MC XX: 26Q, you’re trailing a lot of smoke.

Now, I had read some books on flying, and being a pilot. I knew pilots were the coolest things that ever walked the earth and now it was time for me to at least sound cool. I picked up the microphone, squeezed the transmit button and in my coolest voice,

Me, 26Q: MC XX, yeah, I know…

Here I gave a slight pause for effect.

Me: …I’m a little busy right now.

Not bad, I thought as I released the transmit button. My voice was steady, but in my head, I was screaming so loud that any living being within 50 miles would take notice.”

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The Worst Pain

“Once I got to the Eagle, I had changed to an Explorer Night Raider boot knife with a hollow handle. I kept a few survival items in the handle. It was strapped in the laces of my G-suit on my right calf.

By 6,000’, I was desperate for the pain to end. I thought about jettisoning the canopy. That would make whatever was going to happen, happen fast. But it would give me more things to deal with. My next thought was to take my knife, which was actually a dagger, and stab myself in the forehead and pierce that sinus cavity. I truly believed that would hurt less than what I was experiencing.

But then I wondered how bad the bleeding would be. Head wounds have a tendency to be bleeders. I still needed to see my instruments and fly the jet. I put that option on the back shelf, and pretty much resigned myself to whatever my body was going to have me deal with.”

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